Many Countries around the world produce great sparkling wines. In fact, most wine producers boast of a sparkling wine of some type. Let’s explore some of these wines and pair them.

Cava: The world’s best and inexpensive sparkling wine.
Flavors: Citrus, brioche, minerals, earthy flavors.
Best paired with firm and hard cheeses, fried fish, calamari, sushi and egg dishes.
Prosecco: A popular Italian Sparkling Wine.
Flavor: Yellow apple, peach, pear.
Medium Body
Best paired with Soft and mild cheeses, Chinese food and shrimp
Asti/Asti (frizzante,semi-sparkling) Spumante: The most popular Italian Sparkling wine.
Flavor: Fruity with melon and peach flavors.
Light to Medium body
Off-dry to sweet
Best paired with soft and mild cheeses, Chinese food, shrimp and brunch food.
United States:
Major producers of sparkling wines are: California, New York, Oregon and
Washington (Domaine Ste. Michelle non-vintage) State.
U.S.owned are Korbel, Iron Horse,
French and Spanish owned Roederer Estate, Mumms Cuve’e, in Napa, and
Domaine Chandon, are produced in the United States.
Flavors: Very fruity
Medium to full body
Best paired with Fish, seafood, pasta, poultry and ham.